Honorable Mention

We are pleased to congratulate (and welcome!) the incoming members of the YUHSG Class of 2013 upon their 8 th grade graduations, and to say mazal tov  to the following award-winners from their respective elementary schools:

Natalie Aballi (Ateres Yisroel) - District Attorney's Citation of Honor, Hebrew Language Award, School Service Award. 

Chana Setareh Shenas (Chabad of Port Washington) – Valedictorian

Jennifer VanAmerongen (HAFTR) - Torah U'Madda U'Medinah  Award

Renee Wietschner (HAFTR) - Rabbi Elias Lauer Service and Chessed Award

Sima Fried (HALB) – Benedictorian

Michal Auerbach (HANC) - Award for Overall Excellence in Judaic Studies.

Briana Friedman (HANC) - Pras Hitztayn Award: In recognition of excellent academic achievement, outstanding midot, character and leadership.

Nili Greenberg (HANC) - Pras Hitztayn Award: In recognition of excellent academic achievement, outstanding midot, character and leadership.

Shayna Rabin (HANC) – Rabbi Shmuel Auman Memorial Award (given to a student who is known to look out for the happiness of her/his peers and is well-liked by everyone).

Golda Aharon (Har Torah) - Keter Shem Tov,  and inducted into the Honor Society.

Ilana Spirgel (Har Torah) – Inducted into the Honor Society, and speaking on behalf of the class at graduation.

Limor Brody (NSHA) – Lashon Award

Miriam Bursky-Tammam (NSHA) – Rabbi Ephraim Wolf Chesed Award

Sharona Levy (Ohr Haiim) – President’s Award for Academic Excellence

Hudy Rosenberg (SAR) – Nominee, Class Representative

Aviva Haber (Shulamith Brooklyn) – Valedictorian

Adira Sorscher (Shulamith Brooklyn) – Lena Cymbrowitz Memorial Award for Character and Community Service.

Atara Leah Friedman (YCQ) - Memorial Award for Torah, Avodah and Gemilut Chasadim

Sharon Itzhakov (YCQ) - Memorial Award for Academics, Midot, and Athletics

Yael Steinberg (YCQ) - Memorial Award for Excellence in Language Arts

Sharon Zirkiev (YCQ) - Memorial Award for Excellence in Chumash

Rachel Marcus
(Yeshivah of Flatbush) - Fallen Soldiers of Israel Memorial Award for Excellence in Character and Jewish Values.
“Believe, Achieve, Succeed”

The young women of the Class of 2013 are joining a very accomplished “extended family” here at Central:  students, faculty, and alumnae!  Consider these recent achievements in the news:  our congratulations go to Ms. Lisa Rothstein, recipient of this year’s New York State English Council Educators of Excellence Award... and to Karla Padawer Solomon (’09), winner of the Public Advocate’s Award upon her graduation from YUHSG… and to our unprecedented two winners of the New York Lottery “Leaders of Tomorrow” award, Peninah Lamm and Jenna Spector… to Cindy Bernstein (’02), named a Wexner Graduate Fellowship Davidson Scholar in Jewish Professional Leadership (Tufts University). .. to Devorah (Rydzinski) Wieder (’96) M.D., MPH, who has just completed her OB/GYN residency… to Shari Orlanski (‘03), (of Queens College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York)  whose research on differential gene expression has been published in the June, 2009 edition of “The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology”… and to Rebecca Parver Gamss (‘99), upon her graduation from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and her induction into the Einstein chapter of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society.  Students eligible for induction “have excelled academically and have demonstrated promise of becoming leaders in their profession.”  

Other alumnae of note this month:  Rachel Kupferman (’06), Merakezet Shevatim of Bnei Akiva of New York and New Jersey…  Esty Rollhaus (’06), member of the Kollel Faculty at Lincoln Square Synagogue… Lauren Sipzner (’06), who served this year as B’Lev Echad  Program Coordinator at the University of Pennsylvania …  Elana Edelstein (’04), graduating Cornell University this year with a degree in fashion design, whose “imaginative ‘Outside the Box’ mini-drama charmed the audience” at the Cornell Design League’s 25 th anniversary “Once Upon a Runway” red carpet gala (attended by more than 3000 people)!  Elana’s collection was featured in reviews by both “teenvogue.com” and Cornell University’s “Chronicle Online.”  Elisheva Kupferman (’04), who received her B.A. in Psychology from Bar Ilan University, is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Community Leadership and Philanthropy Studies at Hebrew University. She is coordinator of Bnei Akiva of North America’s Tochnit Tzion, and Manager of Administration for Tishkofet-Maagan, “a Jerusalem-based nonprofit that provides emotional support to those suffering from serious illness, and educates professionals in end-of-life care and bereavement.”   Rebecca Schmutter (’99) is an associate in the New York office of Gibson, Dunn and Crutcher, practicing in the firm’s Tax Department.  She graduated in 2007 from Columbia Law School, where she was named a Stone Scholar.
And to all the members of the Central family – past, present, and future – best wishes for a great summer!


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